There once was a time when you were achieving amazing results from your Facebook campaigns.

Then, something changed. All of a sudden, click-throughs dried up, the level of likes sunk to an all-new low, and generating a return on your Facebook investment was becoming increasingly challenging. 

What went wrong?

In the following post, we’ll reveal when you’re no longer getting the results you once enjoyed from your Facebook business page.

We’ll also show you how to start enjoying even greater levels of web traffic, engagement, and sales than those you’re used to, all with one simple tool. 

Why Your Facebook Campaigns No Longer Work

In today’s world of always-available broadband and increasing accessibility of Internet-enabled devices, users are spending more and more time online.

On the one hand, this is certainly good news for your therapy practice as it presents you with a wider audience to market your goods and services. 

On the other, that same audience is becoming increasingly selective over what they want to see on the web.

This is particularly true on Facebook, where users have much greater control over their newsfeeds than they did a few years ago. Ultimately, this means that your posts are likely to be seen by fewer and fewer people.

As a result, even if you made a Facebook page for your therapy practice and attracted several thousand followers, it’s likely that only a small percentage of those people will ever see your posts on their newsfeeds. 

Does that mean it’s game over for Facebook as a marketing medium?

Not by a long shot. 

Rather, Facebook presents a whole new opportunity to really stand out from the crowd and to start using your web presence the way you always intended:

As a powerful tool for generating leads, increasing site traffic, and converting ‘likes’ into tangible revenue for your practice.

How Targetted Advertising Can Help You Boost Your Facebook Marketing Results

In the world of digital marketing, quality matters much more than quantity. After all, what good is having several thousand Facebook followers if none of those people actually buy your services?

That’s not to say Facebook itself is no longer a viable platform for growing your business. Thanks to its business tools, it’s actually possible to use to add even greater value than you may have been used to before back in the good old days.

Imagine if, rather than simply sending out your content with no real control over who sees it, you send out relevant, targeted posts directly to a specific audience of your choosing. 

With the platform’s targeted advertising tools, that’s exactly what you could be doing. 

How Targeted Advertising Works on Facebook

By creating targeted Facebook campaigns, you’re essentially tracking down those users who are most likely to want what you had to offer.

Looking to reach potential therapy clients in your town or city? The targeted advertising controls allow you to ensure that only people in that area see those posts.

Specialize in child therapy?

Use targeted advertising to get your content in front of Facebook users who are parents.

The best part is that if you’re not sure which Facebook user group is the best fit for your particular product or service, you can spend less than £1 per day doing an A/B split test in which you run two campaigns simultaneously.

Each campaign can target a different user group and from there, you can determine which group is more responsive to your ads.

How to Create Targeted Facebook Campaigns That Produce The Best Results for Your Therapy Practice

There are three vital components of a successful Facebook ad: Your images, your copy, and your Call to Action. 

1. Optimizing images for Facebook ads 

When you upload an image for your ad, Facebook resizes the picture to fit within its templates. 

If you want your images to look sharp and clear across all three advertising formats (desktop news feed, mobile news feed, and the right-hand ad column), use Facebook’s Recommend image sizes.

Of course, there’s more to images than just getting the right size.

Here are a few pointers:

  • Use free tools like Canva, which has beautiful Facebook ad templates you can customize.
  • To really catch people’s eye, use bright, vibrant images that really stand out from the crowd. 
  • Avoid adding lots of text to your images, as these won’t display well in the smaller right-hand column ads and could ultimately mean your ad is overlooked in favour of one that’s less cluttered. 
  • If you are going to add text, keep to a few bright and bold words to draw attention to your ad. 

2. Captivating copy for your ads 

There are two reasons to really put some thought into your Facebook ad copy: 

  1. You have a small amount of space to get your message across
  2. Users will generally see your ads as they’re scrolling through their news feed, so you’ll need so if what you have to say doesn’t grab their attention, they’ll likely scroll on by and ignore your ad altogether. 

With that in mind, it’s worth keeping your copy short, to the point, and clearly telling users how they’ll benefit from clicking your ad.

Notice how the two examples above leap out at you? Notice how their copy tells you exactly what’s on offer and does so in a way that makes you interested to find out more? 

3. Call to Action 

So, you’ve combined a bright, vibrant image with a captivating copy to draw in users. Now you need to convince them to take action.

Want people to click on your website?

Tell them so.

Want them to install your new app or like your page?

Make that clear. 

Incorporating Targeted Facebook Campaigns into Your Overall Marketing Strategy

Having a great-looking, a highly-targeted ad is all well and good, but keep in mind that it’s only part of your overall web presence. 

If the website your ad is sending people to isn’t up to scratch, if your sales copy doesn’t strike the right tone, or if those vital Calls to Action are less than inspiring, you’re unlikely to produce the results you’re looking for. 

With that in mind, then, it pays to start thinking about Facebook advertising the moment you start planning your next online campaign, weaving everything together in order to convert likes to visitors and visitors to paying customers. 

It also pays to know exactly what you want to do with your ads.

If your overall marketing goal is to increase web traffic, set up ads designed to do just that. If your main objective is to boost sales of your books or downloads, your ads will likely be designed differently than those set up to increase your Facebook likes. 

For the best results, don’t think of ads as a separate entity from the rest of your marketing but rather as a powerful tool to help you achieve both long and short-term goals. 

Three mistakes to avoid:

1: Not Defining a Clear Goal: 

When you go to create a campaign, the first thing Facebook asks is your objective. Whether it’s to increase your web traffic or build up your Facebook fanbase, if you don’t know what you’re trying to do, you’ll have a much harder time doing anything.

2: Having a Poor Landing Page

Getting users to click your ads is great, but if that click directs them to a poorly laid out, confusing landing page, it might as well have been for nothing. Make your landing pages clear, simple, and with one single CTA to follow.

3: Ignoring Your Campaign

The set-it-and-forget-it approach just won’t work here. If you don’t keep an eye on your Facebook campaign, how do you know if it’s working or if you have to go back to the well and try a different ad altogether?

The benefits of Targeted Facebook Campaigns

So, we’ve learned how to create winning ads that produce results, but how exactly does all this benefit your business? 

1. Increase brand awareness

By putting creating well-optimized ads, you’re tapping into a huge potential audience, putting your brand front and center in front of customers you otherwise wouldn’t be able to reach. 

2. Generate Website Traffic

It goes without saying that the more eyes you get on your website, the more sales you’re able to make. Creating an irresistible ad that compels users to take action is the perfect way to drive all-new levels of traffic, which, of course, leads to… 

3. Better Conversion Rates 

Customers are more likely to make purchases when they feel they have a real relationship with a brand. An effective Facebook campaign can prove effective in developing those relationships, empowering you to convert Facebook fans into paying customers. 

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